Sunday, May 27, 2012

Graduate...oh that's me!

Class of2012. I have heard this for the past 12 years and never realized the big deal of the class.  But the class of 2012 finally graduated, I thought it would never get here!
I thought I would be extremely stressed but I laid my worries and anxiety aft the feet of Jesus and held his hand tight!
I imagined all of my family being together for graduation little did I know it would not exactly turnout how I pictured. I have been asking my Memaw to come to graduation since the beginning of April but she always avoided giving me an answer. On the other hand Kristina's mom was coming down from Illinois, which was pretty exiting. however I was still bothered that my Memaw was not coming.
So the week of graduation started and we got quite busy. With senior night, baccalaureate, practice, Kristina's mom coming, and church.  (let the festivities begin) 
Ok the morning of graduation the school hosted a grandparents breakfast. Kristina's mom was going with me and we were getting ready. Well I turn around and my Memaw is in my hall way. I was so surprised! I could go in about how excited I was but there is still a lot more to share.  While shedding tears of joy I realized Kristina's min wasn't feeling so well. So she decided to stay home and get some rest. after w got back from breakfast she still was not feeling well and she Todd me that she just wanted to go back to sleep so I left her alone. Once Kristina got home she checked on her mom and she could not talk or move. I automatically thought she had a stroke but I had to push that to the back of my head because we needed to get her in the car. I couldn't lift her so Memaw got her other side and I pulled the car up to the door. once they left the emotional break down began! I was  thinking the worst, and thinking they weren't going to make it to graduation (which should hasn't not even gone they my head). Finally my Memaw told me to pray which I know is a powerful thing. I also r read my last day of my anxiety devotional which flat out told Mr not to worry about what happens because no matter what happens God its still glorious.
they did not make it to graduation but that was okay it is just a silly traditional ceremony. I was just glad to know that her mom was okay.  she just had a very critically low blood sugar. But she its up and moving now. 
Yesterday we had my party which was fun we cooked way to much food though. It was nice to have my family and s some friends together after a stressful day.
God showed me that things don't go according to our "safety zone". But every stressful situation made me lean on him more and more which caused me to have no stress at all.
So thank you God for such a humbling graduation!

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